《美語曼陀羅English Madala──看蓮生活佛文集學英文》
美色──Physical Beauty



俊俏、美麗的外表 在中文裡可以統稱為「美色」。在英文字裡要選擇能正確的表達這種「美色」的意思,建議您用「physical beauty」。可別將這個「美色」翻譯成color(顏色)哦!

世人愛慕虛榮的後患無窮,也因此盧勝彥大師在其文集「清風小語」書內文章「一時的現象」 一再的強調:



「Wealth, physical beauty and fame are manifestations that continuously exist and desist. Modern people rack their brains to pursue them zealously. If we risk all and use reckless schemes, force or trickery, they will bring to us thoughts of hatred and greed. Eventually leading us to suffer in the「three foul paths」down below.

Therefore, break free from the delusions of wealth, physical beauty and fame; correctly understand the perils of blind pursuit and realize its true form; do not engender any attachment. Naturally, one will be led to the path of liberation.」

英語詞彙 (English Vocabulary)

Manifestation: 現象

Zealously: 狂熱的

Trickery: 詭計

Peril: 危險

Engender: 產生


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